As Ronald Reagan said "You do not leave your party, your party leaves you." Our party has left us so we need to make our voice heard loud and clear " We will not be plowed under by the Trumptanic

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This fight is going to be won by the people, all of them, standing together for what's right and good and true. The utterances of evil, in this election, is straight out of the Nazi lingo of goering and hitler.

So, all of us, as citizens and friends, let's go get this one for not only the common good, but because it could be the coming together of diverse thinking that actually may well make the world an inch or two better.

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Country over party is very important. Our process should not be used for revenge. In 2016 the Bernie "bros" revenge voted for Trump, the gays voted for trump because "what have we got to lose" as it turns out we have much to lose.

It saddens me that the Trumpublicans have only 2 things in their trunk. Making you afraid and telling you who is to blame for it.

Watching these Hispanic trump voters who think just because they support him they are immune to his wrath are living in the unreal world. The Jewish Nazis thought they were also immune, but they died just the same.

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Reed, I am a lifelong Democrat who longs for a complete overhaul of the Republican Party. My hope is that what emerges values integrity while casting aside hatred and division.

I know too many kindhearted conservatives that deserve leadership that they can once again value and trust.

Throughout most of this century, I’ve been saying that the GOP is not conservative, they are #CORPservative; in servitude only to their corporate and billionaire donors. My guess is that over the last four years you’ve noticed just how true that is.

If you don’t mind, I’d like us to start a dialogue on just what the best reincarnation of the Republican Party might be. I’m also interested in how you might go about differentiating between the old regime and the new honorable version that must take its place.

And when leaders emerge that best represent that new direction, I’d like to know who they are so I can write about them. They need to be applauded by Democrats like me and supported for the courage they must demonstrate while tearing down the old order.

We both know that it will take a couple of election cycles to purge all CORPservatives from the ranks. Fox News and other rightwing media outlets will fight this tooth and nail. But if the rebranding and reimagining of the Republican Party becomes a popular theme on social media, Fox might be forced to join in after dumping all their on-air talent.

Please respond to this, Reed, to start this dialogue. I have a lot of ideas and phraseology to bounce off you.

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The republican party needs to return to this value "Less governmental interference in the private lives of citizens. "

Since the Trumpublicans have risen out of the republican party, it has given a voice to the worst among us. So many support him because they are exactly like him. They are like open wounds bleeding all over the American experience. It is easier for them to spray that bile than to accept responsibility for their own lives. Oh no no no their crappy life has nothing to do with no education, no ethics, no skills, no intelligence, no work eithic and no aspirations but because of "those damn immigrants taking my job"..

People need to start taking responsibility for their failures instead of blaming someone else they have never met.

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Also your comment about the "old" order is a misnomer. The old order is NOT the Trumpublicans. The old order is the party of people like John McCain and Mitt Romney and Liz Cheney. So your comment is not exactly correct, the Trumpublicans represent the NEW HONORABLE that you speak of...Trumpublicans have only been around since 2016 so you need to walk back that comment and what those terms actually mean.

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If John McCain was held as the ideal Republican of the future, that would be great. I think the Republican Party took a dark turn in the Bush era, particularly after 9/11.

Dick Cheney fabricated a reason for invading Iraq, and it was all about finding ways to commandeer their oil rights. And the Bush tax cuts signified a presence of prioritizing billionaires over the middle class.

Then when Obama became president, GOP politics were reduced to simple contrarianism. And the alliance between the GOP leadership and evangelicals established a pathway to overturning Roe. They created tens of millions of single issue voters that they could count on, even to vote against their best interests to get billionaires what they wanted in power and tax cuts.

Them came Trump and honor, integrity, and the rule of law meant nothing. He may not have been the best candidate for banning abortion, but since the mystique he fabricated was working, he was anointed as the vehicle to get it done. And the hypocrisy around ignoring all his flaws and hatred had to be swallowed.

To my eye, every single politician that has supported him to this day needs to be replaced if the GOP is to rise from the ashes of this dumpster fire that Trump created.

And despite being a Democrat, I look forward to writing about and supporting future Republicans who stand against the past, understand bipartisan necessities going forward, demonstrate leadership where hatred and pandering to corporate whims are no longer in the picture.

Know anybody that fits that picture yet? If so, please let me know.

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In short response:

What you have said is entirely true but the real issue is hidden by that treatise. The underlying cause of the death of all you said is: We elect someone that we believe to be honest and once elected he has a special interest group that says "Hey we hear you are hundreds of thousands underlying debt because of your campaign, we will pay that off so just throw the vote to us. They do it and then continue to do it for 30 years. That has become the root cause of the disfunction in our political system.

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Well it looks like the bloated orange windbag is going to be president again. I have to say, I am glad I am old and not long for this world. Trump is going to kill America. Good riddance

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Trump said this morning that win or lose this will be his last campaign 🙄 .I certainly hope so!

I also hope this is the last voyage of the Trumptanic.

It is high time the republican party kicks the dust of Trumpublicanism out of their party. If the Trumpublicans want to form their own party then please go and do that!!! I have the perfect name for your party..."The Fear and Blame party" or perhaps MAGA...




America .

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